CF Megalodon – CrossFit
DOM (Time)
50 calorie Row
Then, 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps of:
Squat Cleans (100/75 lb)
Handstand Push-Ups
Then, 50 Calorie Row
The “Dom” Hero WOD was originally posted on marinewod.com on Wednesday, November 18th, 2015.
“We are recognizing Dominic Davila for his service and sacrifice. ‘Dom’ was born on July 5th, 1987 in Chicago, IL. He was always very athletic and played sports; baseball being his favorite. In Nov. 2006 Davila joined the Corps and went on to volunteer for 2 combat tours. The first tour was to Iraq in Oct. 2007 and the second was to Afghanistan in May 2009. On July 23, 2009, during his second tour of duty, Davila’s humvee rolled over a 100 lb improvised explosive device. From the blast, Dom lost his right leg below the knee, suffered a talus fracture on his left ankle, a dislocated shoulder, shrapnel to his eyes and most of his body. Davila spent 3 years at Walter Reed Medical Center in DC recovering from the injuries he sustained.”
In his own words: “It wasn’t until Dec. 2012 that I found CrossFit. My cousin Anthony had been telling me about CrossFit for awhile now but I thought it was something I wouldn’t be able to do because of my injuries. So I walked into a box that was ran by a fellow 2/8 Marine and haven’t looked back since. Once I started CrossFit, I knew it’s what I wanted to do. Over the past 2 years I have had to learn and adapt to what works for me and my disability. CrossFit has really changed my life and I want to share it with the rest of the world, with my primary focus on other disabled veterans.” -Dominic
“Davila exemplifies what it means to be a Marine and is an inspiration to everyone he meets. We recognize him for his service and sacrifices but also for the work that he continues to do with other disabled veterans today. Dominic has since founded the non-profit organization Paws4Warriors with the mission of providing US Combat wounded veterans with service dogs specific to their disabilities and needs.”
Jimmy (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
5 Deadlifts (265/200)
7 Pull-Ups
9 Push-Ups