CrossFit Megalodon – Fit Happens
Warm-up (No Measure)
200m run then:
2 rounds not for time
15 jumping jacks
15 air squats
15 mountain climbers
15 jumping squats
Metcon (Time)
50 alternating single arm DB squat cleans
100 double unders
50 hand release pushups
100 double unders
50 alternating single arm DB squat cleans
alternating single arm DB squat clean demo:
please note you do not have to switch hands mid-air like this video, you can simply switch once the DB is back on the ground.
hand release push-up demo:
Metcon (Time)
No equipment version:
100 “odd object” squats (light-ish weight)
150 jumprope or line-hops
50 hand release push-ups
150 jumprope or line-hops
100 “odd object” squats
“odd object” today should be no heavier than 15-20 lbs. You could choose to wear a weighted vest, or pack a backpack tight with items to make it heavy.
hand release push-up demo: