Weightlifting Wednesday
CrossFit Megalodon – CrossFit
25 Banded TKEs per side
3 Round
5/5 single-arm KB deadlifts
12 Banded Pallof Presses per side
12 Alt Bird Dogs
12 Banded RNT Lunges per side
8/6 Ski calories
Turkish Get Up
Build to a 1RM Turkish Get-up per side
The score is the lightest load. For example if you lift 10lbs with your left arm and 15lbs with your right your score is 10lbs
(Score is Weight)
3/15/2023 (Calories)
1: 0:45 Push Ups
2: Max Cal Row/Ski
3: 0:45 Hollow Holds/Rocks
Cool down/Mobility
1:00 calf stretch per side
1:00 shoulder stretch per side